

Everything is being assessed atm at uni. This foundation course isn't so bad and i will be doing more and more photography next year which is something to look forward to. I just wish i didn't have to do all the other crap that i will never really use like architecture! its so drab and dull and boring!

But anyway, i know i promised some pictures up soon but as mentioned i have been busy with lots of uni work and assessments. So continue to watch this space in the new year!




Ok so here I am following another Internet trend and have set up a Blogger account... Lets see how long this one lasts.

Of course, this is just another way for me to broadcast my work to the masses in hope of constructive crit, tips, advice and maybe even some work... I know I am nowhere near as good as some people on this site, one of my old Tesco buddies is one of them too but I at uni to learn more about my specialty subject and hopefully to progress as me.

When I learn how to do so, I will of course be uploading all my work on here so watch this space!

Lets hope this is more successful than my Deviant account!
