

Modern western feminist movements can be divided into three waves, each of which describes different aspects of the same feminist issues throughout the last 100 years or so. The first wave was in the 19th and early 20th century which included the suffragettes working towards equal working and educational rights for women and children, resulting in women being allowed to study and work alongside men in the UK. The second wave happened post WWII in a time of renewed plenty. The 1960's through to the 1980's saw women seeking to change the inequalities in law and within the culture, and the roles of women in society, no longer chained to their kitchens. The third wave which is still currently going on, since the early 90's is seen as a continuation of the second wave where women are trying to right the failings of the second wave.

So, as a woman you would think I would find the subject easy to write about, however, I do not! There are certain points I agree with within feminism, some equal rights and that we should be respected equal to men, but my general opinion is that feminism, especially today's feminists are using it as an excuse for some women to dress and act like men. Grow some tits ladies and stop burning bra's! A woman has the right to say no when a man asks her to pose naked or to do explicit things, take responsibility for your own actions ladies, we wanted to be treated equally then act respectfully! There are some things you just have to accept will never change!

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