
Modernism/ Post- Modernism

The term 'post-modern' is confusing. The word post means after yet in this context it is more like anti. Post-modernism leads us to believe that it is the movement after modernism when it is in fact running alongside modernism and reflects everything that isn't modern. 'It resists and obscures the sense of modernism' Post-Modernism, A Graphic Guide to Cutting Edge Thinking – Richard Appignanesie, Chris Garrett, 1995.

Modernism is based on social change and the rapid growth of technology with a passion for all things new and avant garde, where as post-modernism rejects all of these things and tries to create anarchy in any subject. Post-modernism is bout creating things for no other purpose than to create something yet everything created with modernism in mind is usable, it can update Facebook according to where you are and who you are with at any given time. It can record things from your telly even though you are miles away at work. You can read it on the go. You can drive it here and there yet anything post-modern is created to look pretty, to hang on a wall or to be forgotten about, because the freedom is yours.


Post-Modernism, A Graphic Guide to Cutting Edge Thinking - R Appignanesie and C Garrett - 1995

All That is Solid Melts into Air - Marshall Berman -1982


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